Our first employees came to us 16 years ago, and they have become part of our family. Venerina ( little Friday, named for being born on Good Friday) our first housekeeper, is known for her perpetual friendly smile. Francesco, our security guard and hunter more serious in character, is always ready and willing to give a helping hand.

When a socialite asked if she could remove the bags of marshmallows in all the bathrooms when renting the house for a month, I did not quite understand what she meant. We dislike marshmallows and I have never seen them sold in Italy. In examining the bathrooms found it to be true. Questioning Venerina, she explained that she found a big bag a guest left behind, and divided them among the bathrooms.


She explained how she saw some guests remove make-up with them. “No Venerina,” I explained, “these are not cotton balls, but edible marshmallows!”

Happily she was able to laugh at her mistake, but commented on how Americans eat the strangest things.